国际教育学院2019级临床医学专业(英语授课)本科来华留学生AKTER MARJAN,在2024年3月1日休学期限届满后,一直未申请复学。辅导员多次联系该生,要求学生尽快提出复学申请并返校上课,该生均未提出复学。根据《澳门新葡官网8883本科来华留学生学分制学籍管理规定》第二十八条第三款规定:“休学期满经复学复查不合格,不准复学者或者休学期满不办复学手续者,应予退学”,来华留学生AKTER MARJAN符合“休学期满不办复学手续者”的情形。
国际教育学院2023级临床医学专业(英语授课)本科来华留学生WAHID EM SAFOUN IBNE,自2024年3月4日开学以来,该生未经请假离校连续十周未参加任何教学活动。期间,辅导员多次连续该生,要求该生尽快返校上课,学生均未回复。根据《澳门新葡官网8883本科来华留学生学分制学籍管理规定》第二十八条第五款规定:“旷课累计达到100学时以上(含100学时)或未经请假离校连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动的,应予退学”,来华留学生WAHID EM SAFOUN IBNE符合“未经请假离校连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动”的情形。
序号 |
学号 |
姓名 |
国籍 |
性别 |
年级及专业 |
1 |
201901106017 |
孟加拉国 |
女 |
2019级临床医学专业(英语授课) |
2 |
202301106016 |
孟加拉国 |
男 |
2023级临床医学专业(英语授课) |
Notice of withdrawal
AKTER MARJAN, a 2019 undergraduate student majoring in Clinical Medicine (taught in English) from the School of International Education, has not applied to resumeherstudies after hersuspension period expired on March 1, 2024. Thesupervisorcontacted the student for many times, asking the student to apply for return to school as soon as possible and return to school, but the student did notapplyto return to school. According to the third paragraph of Article 28 of The Rules and Regulations on Academic Credits and Academic Status for International Undergraduate Students , "Those who fail to resume their studies after the suspension period, are not allowed to resume their studies or do not resume their studies after the suspension period should withdraw from school". AKTER MARJAN, an international student in China, meets the situation of "those who do not resume their studies after the suspension period".
WAHID EM SAFOUN IBNE, a 2023 undergraduate student majoring in Clinical Medicine (taught in English) in the School of International Education, has left the school without asking for leave for ten consecutive weeks without participating in any teaching activities since the school started on March 4, 2024. During the period, thesupervisorrepeatedly asked the student to return to school as soon as possible, but the student did not reply. According to Article 28 (5) of The Rules and Regulations on Academic Credits and Academic Status for International Undergraduate Students : "Students who absenteeism reaches more than 100 class hours (including 100 class hours) or leave school without leave for two consecutive weeks without participating in the teaching activities stipulated by the school shall be expelled from school", WAHID EM SAFOUN IBNE, an international student , meets the situation of "leaving school without leave for two consecutive weeks without participating in the teaching activities stipulated by the school".
Our departmentarrangedmeetingand agreed to submit to university president meeting towithdrawthese twointernational students fromuniversity.
The announcement is now open to all students from May 10 to May 14, 2024. If you have any questions during the announcement period, please contact Ms. Bao Ting,, tel: 0951-6880687. If the above two students do not raise any objections during the announcement period, the notice shall be deemed to have been sent.
The list of students is as follows:
Serial number |
Student number |
Name |
Nationality |
Gender |
Grade and Major |
1 |
201901106017 |
Bangladesh |
Female |
2019 batch Clinical Medicine(Taught in English ) |
2 |
202301106016 |
Bangladesh |
Male |
2023 batch Clinical Medicine(Taught in English ) |
Ningxia Medical University
School of International Education
May 10,2024